
학회 및 협회

한국부식방식학회(The Corrosion Science Society of Korea)
한국표면공학회(The Korea Institute of Surface Engineering)
(사)한국도장인증기술협회(KACE, Korean Association of Coating Engineers)
한국도장기술인협회(KOCES, Korea Coating Experts Society)
한국페인트·잉크공업협동조합(KPIC, Korea Paint & Printing Ink Industry Cooperative)
한국화학공학회(Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers)
대한금속・재료학회(KIM, The Korean Institute of Metals and Materials)
한국복합재료학회(The Korean Society for Composite Materials)
한국세라믹학회(The Korean Ceramic Society)
대한화학회(Korean Chemical Society)
한국고분자학회(The Polymer Society of Korea)
한국공업화학회(The Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry)
한국재료학회(The Materials Research Society of Korea)
한국철강협회(KOSA, Korea Iron & Steel Association)
국가뿌리산업진흥센터(Korea National Ppuri Industry Center)
한국주조공학회(The Korea Foundry Society)
한국소성가공학회(The Korean Society For Technology of Plasticity)
한국열처리공학회(KSHT, The Korean Society for Heat Treatment)
한국분말야금학회(KPMI, The Korean Powder Metallurgy Institute)
한국금형산업진흥회(Korea Association for Die & Mold Industry Development)
한국용접공업협동조합(Korea Welding Industry Cooperative)
대한용접・접합학회(The Korea Welding and Joining Society)
나노기술연구협의회(KoNTRS, Korea Nano Technology research Society)
한국탄소학회(Korea Carbon Society)
SSPC(The Society for Protective Coatings)
IPPIC(International Paint and Printing Ink Council)
AGA(American Galvanizers Association)
AIChE(American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 미국화학공학회)
AIME(American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers)
The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (미국금속재료학회)
SME(Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration)
AIST(Association for Iron & Steel Technology)
SPE(Society of Petroleum Engineers)
ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers, 미국토목학회)
ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 미국기계학회)
IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 전기전자기술자협회)
IIW(International Institute of Welding, 국제용접학회)
AWS(American Welding Society)

연구 및 시험

포항산업과학연구원(RIST, Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology)
한국화학융합시험연구원(KTR, Korea Testing & Research Institute)
한국생산기술연구원(KITECH, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)
한국건설생활환경시험연구원(KCL, Korea Conformity Laboratories)
한국조선해양기자재연구원(KOMERI, Korea Marine Equipment Research Institute)
한국기계연구원(KIMM, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials)
한국기계연구원 재료연구소(KIMS, Korea Institute of Materials Science)
한국표준과학연구원(KRISS, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science)
한국전자통신연구원(ETRI, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute)
한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
한국과학기술연구원(KIST, Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
국방과학연구소(ADD, Agency for Defense Development)
한국원자력연구원(KAERI, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
한국항공우주연구원(KARI, Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
한국에너지기술연구원(KIER, Korea Institute of Energy Research)
전자부품연구원(KETI, Korea Electronics Technology Institute)
한국산업기술시험원(KTL, Korea Testing Laboratory)
한국세라믹기술원(KICET, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology)
화학공학소재연구정보센터(CHERIC, Chemical Engineering and Materials Research Information Center)
한국화학연구원(KRICT, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology)
한국탄소융합기술원(KCTECH, Korea Institute of Carbon Convergence Technology)
한국고분자시험연구소(KOPTRI, Korea Polymer Testing & Research Institute)
한국기계전기전자시험연구원(KTC, Korea Testing Certification)

해외 부식방식 관련기관

National Association of Corrosion Engineers(NACE) International Institute
DoD Corrosion Policy and Oversight
Society of American Military Engineers
NASA Kennedy Space Center - Corrosion Technology Laboratory
Project X Corrosion Engineering
The Fontana Corrosion Center (The Ohio State University)
H. H. Uhlig Corrosion Laboratory (MIT)
The University of Akron, NCERCAMP(The National Center for Education and Research on Corrosion and Materials Performance)
North Dakota State University(NDSU) Department of Coatings and Polymeric Materials
North Dakota State University(NDSU) Center for Surface Protection(CSP)
CIM(Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum) (Canada)
ACCS Ltd - Anti-Corrosion Cement Specialists
AusIMM(Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy) (Australia)
DGM(German Materials Society) (DE)
EFC(European Federation of Corrosion)
EPMA(European Powder Metallurgy Association)
FEMS(Federation of European Materials Societies)
ICC(International Corrosion Council)
ICMM(International Council on Mining and Metals)
IOM3(Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining) (UK)
IOMMMS(International Organization of Materials, Metals and Minerals Societies)
World Steel Association(세계철강협회)
일본부식방식학회(日本腐蝕学会, JSCE, Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering)
일본부식센타(Corrosion Center in Japan)
The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials (일본금속학회)
ISIJ(The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, 일본철강협회)